PSY101 – Introductory Psychology: Biological Foundation and Cognitive Processes
This is one-half of a two-semester introduction to psychology. The course is about the nervous system as it pertains to behavior and cognition.
PSY207 – Research Design and Methods
Fundamentals of research methodology in psychology. Topics include experimental, quasi-experimental and descriptive research designs, internal and external validity and research ethics.
PSY208 – Applied Research Skills
In PSY-208, students will complete three modules of learning based on the three core areas of our major:
Social/Cultural, Applied/Health, and Cognitive/Neuroscience. For each module, students will collect data,
analyze the data and present in a variety of formats such as a written paper, oral presentation, and graphical depiction of findings.
PSY/BIO285 – Animal Behavior
Development, ecology and causation of animal behavior. Emphasis on comparative analysis of mechanisms underlying the production of species-specific behavior.
Course Evaluations for PSY/BIO285
PSY311 – Animal and Human Learning
Principles of learning, behavioral change and motivation in humans and other animals. Emphasis on conceptual, methodological and theoretical findings in classical, operant and observational learning, with a focus on application in a variety of settings.
PSY315 – Cognitive Neuroscience
Human cognition and perception and their neurophysiological correlates as revealed by functional imaging techniques and clinical populations. Selected topics include basic neuroanatomy and brain imaging techniques and their application to the study of attention, memory imagery, concept formation, language, problem solving, creative thinking and intelligence.
PSY400 – Research Capstone in Psychology
Seminars focusing on research in area of psychology. The specific research topic in each section of the class will be determined by the individual class instructor. Students will conduct collaborative research projects in the designated research area.
PSY/BIO405 – Professional Development in Neuroscience
Neuroscience majors will engage in structured and intentional reflection on their internship or research experience with a focus on how these experiences connect to professional success and career goals. They will explore how to market those experiences in a digital portfolio that includes a CV, personal statement, and examples of scientific communication.