Sections below include: Oral Presentations, Published Abstracts, Invited Talks, and Student-Authored Presentations (including regional and internal conferences)
Oral Presentations
2024 | Perdue, B. M. & Emert, T. (to be presented August, 2024). Education in Informal Settings: Investigating how a Play can Teach Children about Financial Literacy. Presented at the 132nd annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Seattle, WA. |
2024 | Emert, T. & Perdue, B. (April, 2024). Podcast to Stage: The Effect of a Musical Theatre Performance on Children’s Retention of Concepts about Money. American Alliance for Theatre and Education (AATE), Amplify & Ignite Symposium, New York, New York. |
2023 | Perdue, B. M. (April, 2023). Making Brain Mapping More Interactive. In J. L. Hughes, Keeping undergraduate psychology students engaged by using innovative class activities [Conference presentation]. Sixty-ninth annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, United States. |
2023 | Perdue, B. M., Gilkesson, C., Akbik, M. (April, 2023). Using Eyetracking to Gain Insight into Cognitive Processes in Children. [Conference presentation]. Sixty-ninth annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, United States. |
2022 | Perdue, B. M. (March, 2022). Cognitive Bias in the Classroom. In J. L. Hughes, Using innovative teaching techniques in undergraduate psychology courses. Presentation at the 68th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Hilton Head, SC. |
2019 | Menzer, M. & Perdue, B. M. (co-chairs) (August, 2019). The Artistic Brain: A Neuroscience Approach to the Study of Creativity and the Arts. Participants: King, J. Chan Barrett, K., Kuo, Y. Presented at the 127th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. |
2018 | James, B., Kelly, V., Creamer, C., Guild, A., Camden, A., Perdue, B. M., Kelly, A., Parrish, A. E., & Beran, M. J. (March, 2018). Metacognitive Confidence Movements in Preschool Children. Paper presented at the 64th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association. Charleston, SC. |
2017 | Perdue, B. M. (October, 2017). Creating a course website to foster interaction and learning. Paper presented at the Annual Conference on Teaching of the Society for Teaching of Psychology, San Antonio, TX. |
2017 | Johnson-Ulrich, Z., Cater, T., Perdue, B., Robbins, C., Furlong, E., Johnson, J., Brown, E., Evans-Hutzenbiler, B., Bando, M., McCarthy, D., Barnes, P., Johnson-Ulrich, L., Vonk, J. (April, 2017). The influence of foraging behaviors, innovation, and inhibition on behavioral flexibility in bears and cats. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Comparative Cognition Society, Melbourne, FL. |
2017 | Perdue, B. M. (March, 2017). Team-based learning in a Research Methods course. In J. L. Hughes, Keeping students’ interest: Class activities for undergraduate psychology classes. Presentation at the 63rd annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA. |
2017 | Perdue, B. M., & Beran, M. J. (March, 2017). Exploring metacognition with a tool use task in chimpanzees. Presentation at the 63rd annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA. |
2017 | Perdue, B. M., Camden, A. A., Kelly, A. J., Love, M. & Beran, M. J. (March, 2017). Repeated testing in children: An analysis of variables influencing habitual prospective memory. Paper presented at the 109th annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. San Antonio, TX. |
2017 | Kelly, A. J., Parrish, A. E., Perdue, B. M., & Beran, M. J. (March, 2017). The Impact of Focality and Task Difficulty on Prospective Memory in Preschool Children. Paper presented at the 109th annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. San Antonio, TX. |
2017 | Perdue, B. M., *Smith, N., *Dhingra, R., *Rudolph, H. & *Thomas, M. (March, 2017). Science at the zoo. Paper presented at the 108th annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Savannah, GA. |
2016 | Perdue, B., Johnson, J., *Brown, E., Johnson-Ulrich, Z., & Vonk, J (November, 2016). From touchscreen computers to zoo visitor education: Cognitive research in sun bears. Paper presented at the Fall meeting of the Comparative Cognition Society, Boston, MA. |
2016 | Perdue, B.M. (October, 2016). Sit down, stand up! Acting out schedules of reinforcement to reinforce learning in the classroom. “Live from Atlanta” presentation given at the 15th Annual Conference on Teaching, Decatur, GA. |
2016 | Johnson-Ulrich, Z., Johnson-Ulrich, L., Cater, T., Perdue, B., Brown, E., & Vonk, J. (April, 2016). Behavioral flexibility and problem-solving in captive bears. Paper presented at the 23rd International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne Beach, FL. |
2015 | Perdue, B. M. (2015, November). Computers and comparative cognition research at the zoo. Paper presented at the Society for Computers in Psychology Meeting, Chicago, IL. (Peer-reviewed). |
2015 | Beran, M. J., Smith, J. D., & Perdue, B. M. (2015, April). What we (think we) know about why capuchin monkeys don’t seem to know what they know. Paper presented at the 107th annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, New Orleans, LA. (Peer-reviewed). |
2015 | Hrabic, M., Foster, N., Bramlett, J., Perdue, B. M., Beran, M. J., & Williamson, R. (2015, April). A comparative approach to effective strategy use in delaying gratification. Paper presented at the 107th annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, New Orleans, LA. (Peer-reviewed). |
2015 | Perdue, B. M., *Cross, R., *Allen, L., *Brown, E. R. (2015, April). Cognitive Testing in Sun Bears Using a Touchscreen Computer. Paper presented at the 107th annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, New Orleans, LA. (Peer-reviewed). |
2015 | *Allen, L. B., *Brown, E. R., *Cross, R., & Perdue, B. M. (2015, April). Cognitive Enrichment in Sun Bears. Professional presentation at the Bear TAG Workshop for Zoo Professionals in Tucson, AZ. (Peer-reviewed). |
2015 | Perdue, B. M. (2015, March). An interactive approach to teaching APA style: The reference scramble game. In J. L. Hughes, Using class activities to keep psychology students’ interested. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Hilton Head, SC. |
2014 | Perdue, B. M. (2014, September). Integrating cognitive research and animal welfare. Paper presented at the 37th meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, Decatur, GA. (Peer-reviewed) |
2014 | Beran, M. J., Parrish, A. E., Perdue, B. M., Bramlett, J., & Evans, T. A. (2014, August). Do primates say it’s worth the wait? Comparative approaches to delay of gratification. Invited paper presented at the 122nd annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC. |
2013 | Parrish, A. E., Perdue, B. M., Evans, T. A., & Beran, M. J. (2013, November). Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) transfer tokens with social partners to accumulate rewards in a self-control task. Paper presented at the Fall Meeting of the Comparative Cognition Society, Toronto, Canada. (Peer-reviewed) |
2013 | Perdue, B. M., Evans, T. A., Bramlett, J., & Beran, M. J. (2013, August). Waiting for what comes later: Capuchin monkeys show self-control even for nonvisible delayed rewards. Paper presented at the Joint meeting of the International Ethological Conference and Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, Newcastle, England. (Peer-reviewed) |
2013 | Beran, M. J., Perdue, B. M., Evans, T. E., & Parrish, A. E. (2013, August). Humans and nonhuman primates show similar skill in estimating uncertain outcomes during quantity judgments. Paper presented at the Joint meeting of the International Ethological Conference and Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, Newcastle, England. (Peer-reviewed) |
2013 | Evans, T. E., Perdue, B. M., & Beran, M. J. (2013, August). Planning to remember: Prospective memory in language-trained chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Paper presented at the Joint meeting of the International Ethological Conference and Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, Newcastle, England. (Peer-reviewed) |
2013 | Parrish, A. E., Perdue, B. M., Evans, T. A., & Beran, M. J. (2013, June). Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) transfer tokes to accumulate rewards in a self-control task. Paper presented at the American Society of Primatologists meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (Peer-reviewed) |
2013 | Gonsiorowski, A., Perdue, B. M., Williamson, R., Beran, M. J. (2013, April). Prospective memory and delay of gratification in 3-Year-Old children. Society for Research and Child Development, Seattle, Washington. (Peer-reviewed) |
2013 | Evans, T. E., Perdue, B. M., Parrish, A. E., Beran, M. J. (2013, March). The question of capuchin monkey self-control: What are we really asking? Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Austin, Texas. (Peer-reviewed) |
2013 | Bramlett, J., Evans, T. A., Perdue, B. M., Menzel, E., Beran, M. J. (2013, March). This too shall pass: a rotating reward tray shows delay of gratification in capuchin monkeys. Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Austin, Texas. (Peer-reviewed) |
2013 | Perdue, B. M. (2013, March). Do monkeys choose to choose? Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Austin, Texas. (Peer-reviewed) |
2013 | Beran, M. J., Perdue, B. M., Parrish, A. E., & Evans, T. A. (2013, March). Do social conditions affect capuchin monkeys’ estimations during quantity judgments? Paper presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA (Peer-reviewed) |
2012 | Beran, M. J., Smith, J. D., & Perdue, B. M. (2012, August). Chimpanzees name when they know and look when they do not know. Paper presented at the 24th Congress of the International Primatological Society meeting, Cancun, Mexico. (Peer-reviewed) |
2012 | Perdue, B. M., Evans, T. E., Bramlett, J. L., Menzel, C. R & Beran, M. J. (2012, August). Looking to the future: Prospective memory in chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes). Paper presented at the meeting of the International Primatological Society, Cancun, Mexico. (Peer-reviewed) |
2012 | Perdue, B. M. & Beran, M. J. (2012, July). Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) know what they know. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Congress of Psychology, Capetown, South Africa. (Peer-reviewed) |
2012 | Crast, J. & Perdue, B. M. (2012, April). Cognitive enrichment for nonhuman primates. Breakout workshop at Enrichment Extravaganza, Atlanta, GA. (Peer-reviewed) |
2012 | Perdue, B. M., Evans, T. A., Beran, M. J. (2012, March). What’s all of the bias about? Learning effects contribute to cognitive bias in nonhuman primates. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative Cognition Society, Melbourne, FL. (Peer-reviewed) |
2012 | Evans, T.A., Perdue, B.M., Bramlett, J., Beran, M.J. (2012, March). Prospective memory in a language-trained chimpanzee. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative Cognition Society, Melbourne, FL. (Peer-reviewed) |
2011 | Perdue, B. M., Talbot, C., Stone, A., Beran, M. J. (2011, November). Putting the elephant back in the herd: Elephant relative quantity judgments match those of other species. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Comparative Cognition Society Fall Meeting, Seattle, WA. (Peer-reviewed) |
2010 | Stoinski, T. S., Perdue, B. M., Kuhar, C. W., Lukas, K. E., Gold, K. C. (2010, September). Longitudinal assessments of gorilla personality and their role in captive management. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Primatological Society, Kyoto, Japan. (Peer-reviewed) |
2010 | Mallavarapu, S., Perdue, B. M., Stoinski, T. S., Maple, T. L. (2010, March). A novel assessment of object permanence in orangutans. Paper presented at annual meeting of the Comparative Cognition Society, Melbourne, FL. (Peer-reviewed) |
2009 | Perdue, B. M., Kelling, A. S., Snyder, R. J., Maple, T. L. (2009, November). Conducting cognitive research with giant pandas at Zoo Atlanta. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Chinese Committee of Breeding Technique for Giant Panda, Chengdu, China. (Peer-reviewed) |
2009 | Clay, A.W., Perdue, B.M., Maple, T.L., Bloomsmith, M.A. (2009, September). Transfer of food preferences to photographs in captive Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, San Diego, CA. (Peer-reviewed) |
2007 | Pratte, J. & Perdue, B. M. (2007, September). Giant pandas and research: Spatial memory recall and training methods. Paper presented at the national meeting of the American Association of Zoo Keepers (AZAK), Galveston, TX. (Peer-reviewed) |
2007 | Perdue, B. M., Gaalema, D., Maple, T. L. (2007, April). Animal cognition research in zoos: A new opportunity for psychologists. Paper presented at the meeting of the Southern Society for Psychology and Philosophy, Atlanta, GA. (Peer-reviewed) |
2007 | Perdue, B. M. & Maple, T. L. (2007, May). Spatial memory and wayfinding in the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Paper presented at the meeting of the Environmental Design and Research Association, Sacramento, CA. (Peer-reviewed) |
2006 | Allard, S., Mallavarapu, S., Perdue, B., Sandhaus, E., Snyder, R, Wineman, J., & Maple, T. (2006, May). Zoo design, re-design, and re-construction. Paper presented at the meeting of the Environmental Design and Research Association, Atlanta, GA. (Peer-reviewed) |
2006 | Perdue, B. M, Sandhaus, E., Lin, L. C., Maple, T. L. (2006, May). Beyond conflict: Exhibiting and managing giant pandas in the United States and China. Paper presented at the meeting of the Environmental Design and Research Association, Atlanta, GA. (Peer-reviewed) |
Published Abstracts
2020 | Love, M., Kelly, A., Parrish, A. E., Perdue, B. M., Little, S., & Beran, M. J. (November, 2020). Focality and prospective memory in preschool children. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Virtual Meeting. |
2016 | Beran, M. J., Kelly, A. J., Perdue, B. M., Whitham, W., Love, M., Luk, P., Kelly, V., & Parrish, A. E. (November, 2016). Divide and conquer: Preschool children assign the hardest task to a helper. Paper presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Boston, MA. |
2016 | Parrish, A. E., Kelly, A. J., Perdue, B. M., Love, M., Whitham, W., Luk, P. Y., Kelly, V., & Beran, M. J. (November, 2016). Remembering for later: Exploring prospective memory development in preschool children. Poster presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Boston, MA. |
2016 | Perdue, B. M., Evans, T. A., & Beran, M. J. (November, 2016). Tool use and metacognition in chimpanzees. Poster presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Boston, MA. |
2014 | Beran, M. J., Evans, T. A., Parrish, A. E., & Perdue, B. M. (2014, November). Go when you know: Confidence movements by language-trained chimpanzees during computerized testing. Paper presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA. (Peer-reviewed). |
2013 | Perdue, B. M., Snyder, R. J., Wilson, M. L., & Maple, T. L. (2013). Giant panda welfare in captivity. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 16(4), 394-395. (Published Abstract). |
2013 | Beran, M. J., Perdue, B. M., Church, B. A, & Smith, J. D. (2013, November). Differences in uncertainty monitoring by rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella): It’s not a chance thing. Paper presented at the 54th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada. (Peer-reviewed) |
2012 | Zakrzewski, A. C., Perdue, B. M., Beran, M. J., Church, B. A., & Smith, J. D. (2012, November). Cashing out: macaques’ and humans’ decisional flexibility of uncertainty responding. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, 17, 145. (Peer-reviewed) |
2011 | Perdue, B. M., Snyder, R. S., Maple, T. L. (2011, November). Promiscuous pandas and monogamous otters: Does the range size hypothesis predict sex differences in spatial ability in the order Carnivora? Poster presented at the annual meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Seattle, WA. (Peer-reviewed) |
Invited Presentations
2023 | Perdue, B. M. (2023, April). Zoos and Academia. [Conference presentation]. Sixty-ninth annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, United States. |
2021 | Beran, M. J., Parrish, A. E., Heimbauer, L. A., & Perdue, B. M. (2021, August). Lexigrams as a window into apes’ minds. 129th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Virtual. |
2018 | Perdue, B. M. (2018, August). Educating the Public about Comparative Psychology. Invited paper presented at the American Psychological Association annual meeting, San Francisco, CA. |
2018 | Beran, M. J., James, B. T., Perdue, B. M., Kelly, A. J., & Parrish, A. E. (2018, August). Confidence judgments in chimpanzees and children. Invited paper presented at the 126th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. |
2017 | Beran, M. J., Perdue, B. M., & Parrish, A. E. (2017, March). Metacognitive and self-controlled chimpanzees. Invited presentation at the 63rd annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA. |
2016 | Beran, M. J., Perdue, B. M., & Parrish, A. E. (2016, August). Chimpanzee cognitive control. Invited paper presented at the Chimpanzees in Context conference, Chicago, IL. |
2016 | Beran, M. J., Parrish, A. E., Menzel, C. R., Evans, T. E., *Futch, S., & Perdue, B. M. (2016, March). From mazes to my favorite food… Later: Self-control, planning, and prospective memory in primates. Invited paper presentation at the 108th annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Louisville, KY. |
2015 | Perdue, B. M. (2015, March). Assessing Metacognition in Language-trained Chimpanzees. Invited presentation at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Hilton Head, SC. |
2014 | Snyder, R. J., Perdue, B. M., Kelling, A. S., and Tarou, L. (2014, March) Giant panda cognition and perception. Invited paper presented at the Cognition, Enrichment and Collaboration conference hosted by Animal Concepts. Atlanta, GA. |
2014 | Perdue, B. M. (2014, February). Broadening the comparative spectrum: Research in less commonly studied species. Introduction to invited session presented at the 106th annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Charleston, SC. (Peer-reviewed) |
2014 | Evans, T. A., Perdue, B. M., & Beran, M. J. (2014, February). Language-trained chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) remember to remember in an analog of a human prospective memory task. Invited paper presented at the 106th annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Charleston, SC. (Peer-reviewed) |
Poster Presentations
2024 | Welsh, C., Riley, M. Kelly, A., Beran, M., Perdue, B. M., Parrish, A. (March, 2024). Metacognitive Offloading in Children – An Image Rotation Task. Poster presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association conference, Orlando, FL. (Peer-reviewed) |
2017 | Perdue, B. M. (January, 2017). Educating the public about psychological science research at the zoo. Poster presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete’s Beach, FL. (Peer-reviewed). |
2016 | Perdue, B. M., Brown, E. (July, 2016). Irrational Choice Behavior in Nonhuman Primates. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association annual meeting, Denver, CO. |
2016 | *Love, M. W., Kelly, A. J., Perdue, B. M., Beran, M. J. (2016, March). Prospective memory and output monitoring in children. Poster presentation at the Southeastern Psychological Association conference, New Orleans, LA. (Peer-reviewed). |
2015 | Beran, M. J., Parrish, A. E., *Futch, S. E., Evans, T. A., Perdue, B. M., & Smith, J. D. (2015, November). Information-seeking behavior and confidence judgments by chimpanzees. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Chicago, IL. |
2015 | Beran, M. J., Perdue, B. M., Smith, J. D., *Futch, S., Evans, T. A., & Parrish, A. E. (2015, May). Confidence judgments by chimpanzees during computerized memory tests. Poster presented at the 27th annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, New York. (Peer-reviewed). |
2015 | Perdue, B. M. (2015, January). Lions, and tigers, and undergraduate students, oh my! The zoo as a tool for enhancing student learning. Poster presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete’s Beach, FL. (Peer-reviewed). |
2012 | Bramlett, J., Evans, T. A., Perdue, B. M., Menzel, E., Beran, M. J. (2012, March). When task demands are clear, capuchins demonstrate self-control. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative Cognition Society, Melbourne, FL. (Peer-reviewed) |
2011 | Perdue, B. M., Snyder, R. S., Wilson, M. L. Maple, T. L. (2011, August). Giant panda welfare in captivity. Poster presented at the Center for Zoo Animal Welfare conference “From good care to great welfare,” Detroit, MI. (Peer-reviewed) |
2011 | Perdue, B. M., Snyder, R. S., Maple, T. L. (2011, March). Exploring sex differences in spatial ability: Further evidence for the range size hypothesis in the order Carnivora. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative Cognition Society, Melbourne, FL. (Peer-reviewed) |
2009 | Perdue, B. M., Stoinski, T. S., Gold, K. C., Kuhar, C. W., Lukas, K. E., Maple, T. L. (2009, September). A longitudinal assessment of gorilla personality. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, San Diego, CA. (Peer-reviewed) |
2008 | Perdue, B.M., Clay, A.W., Kelling, A.S., Gaalema, D.E. (2008, October). Conducting cross-species food choice research: How and why? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta, GA. (Peer-reviewed) |
2008 | Perdue, B. M. (2008, March). Designing a method to test recall memory in non-verbal species. Poster presented at the Graduate Student Government’s Graduate Research Symposium, Atlanta, GA. (Peer-reviewed) |
2024 | Reed, L., Kakkad, T., Kelly, A., Perdue, B. M. (2024). Planning Ahead: Prospective Metacognition in Children’s Maze Task. Committee on Equality of Professional Opportunity undergraduate poster presented at the 70th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Orlando, FL. |
2023 | Wubbena, K., Fisher, A., Kakkad, T., & Perdue, B. M. (April, 2023). Swipe Left or Right? Using Eye-Tracking to Explore Cognitive Heuristics and the Decision Making Process of Undergraduates When Using a Mock Dating App. Committee on Equality of Professional Opportunity undergraduate poster presented at the 69th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. |
2022 | Gilkesson, C. Christmas, L., Gilmore, M. and Perdue, B. M. (2022). Effects of episodic future thinking on the monitoring behaviors of preschoolers. Committee on Equality of Professional Opportunity undergraduate poster presented at the 68th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Hilton Head, SC |
2022 | Howington, J., Lue, C. Gilmore, M., and Perdue, B. M. (March, 2022). Studying prospective memory and external cues in preschool children using eyetracking technology. Committee on Equality of Professional Opportunity undergraduate poster presented at the 68th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Hilton Head, SC |
2017 | Camden, A., Kelly, A., Love, M., Beran, M. & Perdue, B. (March, 2017). Habitual prospective memory in young children. Committee on Equality of Professional Opportunity undergraduate poster presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association conference, Atlanta, GA. (Faculty-reviewed). |
2017 | Kelly, V., Parrish, A., Kelly, A. J., Perdue, B. M., Love, M., Whitham, W., Luk, P. Y., & Beran, M. J. (March, 2017). Prospective memory in children during computerized maze performance. Committee on Equality of Professional Opportunity undergraduate poster presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association conference, Atlanta, GA. (Faculty-reviewed). |
2017 | Smith, N. & Perdue, B. M. (March, 2017). Visitor engagement with educational signage at a zoo exhibit. Committee on Equality of Professional Opportunity undergraduate poster presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association conference, Atlanta, GA. (Faculty-reviewed). |
2016 | Vorder Bruegge, M., Camden, A., Brown, E., Kelly, A. J., Beran M. J., & Perdue, B. M. (March, 2016). Choice behavior in children and nonhuman primates. Committee on Equality of Professional Opportunity undergraduate poster presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association conference, New Orleans, LA. (Faculty-reviewed). |
2015 | Futch, S. E., Parrish, A. E., Perdue, B. M., Smith, J. D., Evans, T. A., & Beran, M. J. (2015, October). Confidence judgments by chimpanzees during computerized memory testing. Poster presented at the Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC) at Georgia State University, Atlanta GA. |
2015 | Walker, B., Rossettie, M., Futch, S. E., Perdue, B. M., & Beran, M. J. (2015, October). Save it for later! Delay of gratification in capuchin monkeys. Poster presented at the Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC) at Georgia State University, Atlanta GA. |
2015 | Brown, E. R., Cross, R., Allen, L. B., Wilson, M., & Perdue, B. M. (2015, March). Pacing and aggression in captive sun bears. Undergraduate poster presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association conference, Hilton Head, SC. (Faculty-reviewed) |
Non-reviewed Undergraduate Conference Presentations at Agnes Scott College (selected presentations)
2024 | Amedi, R., Mazour, K., White, R., Kimani, K., & Perdue, B. M. (2024, April). Exploring the window into the mind: Pupillometry’s gaze into metacognition. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2024 | Broussard, K., Clarke, K., Harris, S., Jackson, N. & Perdue, B. M. (2024, April). Exploring Metacognitive Judgments of Learning. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2024 | Carr, E., & Perdue, B. M. (2024, April). The Intersection between Dyslexia and Spatial Abilities. Talk given at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2024 | Reed, L., Kakkad, T., Kelly, A., & Perdue, B. M. (2024, April). Planning Ahead: Prospective Metacognition in Children’s Maze Task. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College.
*Also presented and won award for best poster at Scotties with Nerves conference |
2023 | Greene, J., Huerta, S., Partington, A., & Perdue, B. M. (2023, April). Metacognition and Confidence Judgements in Young Children. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2023 | Reed, L., Elizondo, G., Almand, A., Martin, A., & Perdue, B. M. (2023, April). Prospective Metacognition in 3-5 Year Olds: Numberlink Mazes. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2022 | Clark, S., Graben, E., Howington, J., & Perdue, B. M. (2022, April). Evaluating the Impact of Mindfulness on Pandemic-Related Stress Induced Working Memory Deficiencies. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2022 | Wubbena, K., Fisher, A., Kaderin, J., & Perdue, B. M. (2022, April). Swipe Left or Right? Using Eye-Tracking to Explore Cognitive Heuristics and the Decision Making Process of Undergraduates When Using a Mock Dating App. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2022 | Levan, S., D’Amato, K., Valente, A., & Perdue, B. M. (2022, April). Is Eye Tracking a Useful Way to Determine Deception. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College |
2019 | McKeon, E., Hatcher, S., Perdue, B. M. (2019, April). The Effects of Visitor Crowd Size on Aggression in Southern Ground Hornbills (Bucorvus leadbeateri). Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2019 | Moses, A., Millan-Buendia, L., & Perdue, B. M. (2019, April). Influence of enrichment in Africa Elephants (Loxodonta Africana) weaving behavior. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2019 | Snow, S., Thomas, R., Green, Y., & Perdue, B. M. (2019, April). An Analysis of The Effect of Enrichment on Activity Levels in Sun Bears. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2018 | Hussein, H., Moweta, N., & Perdue, B. M. (2018, April). The Effect of Temperature on the location of Giant Otters. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2018 | Knott, R., & Perdue, B. M. (2018, April). Hedgehog Enrichment Behavioral Analysis. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2018 | Moweta, N., Hussein, H., & Perdue, B. M. (2018, April). Vocalization and Behavioral Interaction in Response to Weather. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2018 | Mbye, A., Moore, G., & Perdue, B. M. (2018, April). The Effect of Visitor Density on Stereotypic Behavior of Giant Pandas. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2018 | Moore, G., Mbye, A., & Perdue, B. M. (2018, April). Effect of Seasons on Giant Panda Preference of Enrichment. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2018 | Van Derveer, A., & Perdue, B. M. (2018, April). Investigating the Effects of Environmental Noise on African Elephants in a Zoo Setting. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2017 | Alford, L., Hightower, E. Alford, L., Rubin, T., & Perdue, B. M. (2017, April). The Effects of Integration on Aggression in Chilean Flamingos. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2017 | Camden, A., Kelly, A., Love, M., Beran, M. & Perdue, B. M. (2017, April). Habitual Prospective Memory in Young Children. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2017 | Carter, J., Garland, A., Braccini, S., & Perdue, B. M. (2017, April). The Effects of Weather on Sun Bear Location Preference and Pacing Behavior. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2017 | Garland, A., Carter, J. Braccini, S., & Perdue, B. M. (2017, April). Relationship between Zoo Crowd Size and Sun Bear Aggression and Social Interaction. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2017 | Hightower, E. Alford, L., Rubin, T., & Perdue, B. M. (2017, April). Intergroup Interaction of Flamingos After the Addition of a New Group. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2017 | Howard, B., Lucarelli, M., Braccini, S., & Perdue, B. M. (2017, April). The Influences of Hot Temperatures on African Elephants’ Stereotypical Behavior (Loxodonta africana). Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2017 | Lucarelli, M., Howard, B., Braccini, S., & Perdue, B. M. (2017, April). Stereotypic Behavior in African Elephants (Loxodonta africana). Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2017 | Smith, N. & Perdue, B. M. (2017, April). Visitor Engagement with Educational Signage at a Zoo Exhibit. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2017 | Turner, T., Thomas, M. & Perdue, B.M. (2017, April). The Relation Between Zoo Visitor Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Animal Research. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2016 | Rudolph, H., Booher, C. & Perdue, B. M. (2016, April). Computers as Enrichment for Sun Bears. Presentation given at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2015 | Allen, L-B. & Perdue, B. M. (2015, April). Zoo Animal Welfare: Sun Bears, the Visitor Effect, and Environmental Enrichment. Presentation given at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2015 | Brown, E. & Perdue, B. M. (2015, April). Will Monkeys Choose to Keep their Options Open? Presentation given at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2015 | Brown, E., Siddiqui, S., & Perdue, B. M. (2015, April). Evaluating the Welfare of Two Primate Species Based on Grooming Behavior. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2015 | Cahill, J., Chowdhury, J., & Perdue, B. M. (2015, April). Ground Hornbills’ Reaction to the Presence of Children. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2015 | Chowdhury, J., Cahill, J., & Perdue, B. M. (2015, April). The Effects of Color Stimuli on Southern Ground Hornbills. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2015 | Hopkins, M., Riale, K., & Perdue, B. M. (2015, April). Food Enrichment in Sun Bears at Zoo Atlanta. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2014 | Allen, L., Amedi, H., Perdue, B. M. (2014, April). The Effect of Crowd Size on Golden Lion Tamarins and their Nurturing Behaviors. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2014 | Cross, R., Angleton, G., Perdue, B. M. (2014, April). The Effect of Time and Time Change on Sun Bear Behaviors. Poster presented at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |
2014 | Singleton, K., Resnak, J. A., Perdue, B. M. (2014, April). Self-Groom and Resting Behavior: The Effects of Weather on Red Kangaroos. Presentation given at the Spring Annual Research Conference, Agnes Scott College. |